Miami Woodworking

Client: Miami Woodworking
Date: 2019-09-01
Services: Website Design, UX

01. The Client

Miami Woodworking is a full custom woodworking shop.

The goal of this website was to highlight the details and craftsmanship this company provides to customers. It is for higher end customers adding top quality carpentry to their homes. Items include built-in book cases, mud bench, bars, and entertainment centers. So, the site needed to be user friendly, efficient and creative while highlighting a portfolio of beautiful work.

02. The Result

The design of this website reflects the demographic that Miami Woodworking products target. Through the use of a modern layout that includes a complementary color scheme and iconography, reflecting the qualities of the woodworking products.

Client: Miami Woodworking
Date: 2019-09-01
Services: Website Design, UX
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